We offer EMDR Institute Basic Trainings and Advanced Training “Beyond Basics”. Basic Trainings are delivered over 3 days, with intensive teaching and close facilitation of practicums so you leave ready to start practicing EMDR Therapy with simple presentations with the support of case consultation.
Tell us where would you like to attend a Basic Training. Online? In person (min. of 10 participants)? Your work? Your location of choice? Send an expression of interest! Contact Us
EMDR is an advanced psychotherapy originally developed by Francine Shapiro to treat PTSD. Research and developments have since shown effective application of EMDR in the treatment of a broad range of clinical presentations, and this continues as the understanding of trauma increases and deepens.
The World Health Organisation recognises EMDR as a Level A intervention for the treatment of trauma in Adults, Adolescents and Children, and EMDR has been recognised as having the highest level of research evidence for the treatment of PTSD by the Australian Psychological Society.
The EMDR Institute was developed by Francine Shapiro to lead the teaching of EMDR internationally, and only includes developments in EMDR in the curriculum where there is strong empirical evidence.
EMDR Australia Training and Consultation is one of just three providers of EMDR Institute training in Australia. We are proud to be associated and working with Nick Cocco in Australia and MaryAnn Stevens, Dr Tom Flewett, Astrid Katzur and Dr Tal Moore in New Zealand.

The EMDR Association Australia (EMDRAA) that sets the training and practice standards for EMDR in Australia has approved this 3 day training.
There are both training and case consultation requirements to complete EMDR basic training. It is highly recommended that you continue with Case Consultation after you complete basic training with a qualified case consultant.

Basic Training
EMDR is a comprehensive advanced psychotherapy. Training is designed for mental health practitioners with clinical experience from a range of disciplines, who are qualified at a relevant level for each discipline and who are registered with their registration body. These standards are set by EMDRAA.
EMDR Institute Trainings are conducted in real time with trainers and facilitators over the course of 3-days.
Basic Training is comprised of Parts 1 and 2. Part 1 is a 3-day training and Part 2 is a later 3-day training. There are also clinical practice and case consultation undertaken between Part 1 and Part 2 and again after Part 2.
- 20 hours of didactic training and practicum over Part 1 and Part 2 training
- 20 hours of skills training over Part 1 and Part 2 training
- 10 hours of case consultation over the course of the training
When this is completed, you can be certified as having completed EMDR Basic Training and then be eligible for full membership of EMDRAA. EMDR Basic Training must be completed within 24 months from the initial start date.
Trainings can be either in person or online.
Tell us where you would like to attend a Basic Training: Online? In person (min. 10 participants)? Your work? Your location of choice? Send an expression of interest!
10 hours of Case Consultation is completed as 5 hours between Part 1 and Part 2 trainings, and 5 hours following attendance at Part 2. This can be done in groups, or individually. Case consultation must be signed off by a case consultant who is EMDR Institute accredited before you are eligible for a certificate for completion of EMDR Basic Training.
To complete basic training with the EMDR Institute, the Case Consultant must also be an EMDR Institute approved Consultant.
Case Consultation is arranged directly with case consultants and you will be directed to a list of possible consultants.
Case consultation is also important once you have completed your basic training. EMDR training is rigorous; continuous development of your confidence and skills is an investment in the longevity of your practice.
Case consultation is also a part of completing requirements to become an Accredited EMDR Practitioner and also an accredited EMDR Consultant with EMDRAA.

Meet The Trainers

Dr. Gillian Maddock
Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Gillian Maddock is an experienced Clinical Psychologist dedicated to providing evidence-based psychological care. With a career in psychology that began in 2007, she has experience working with individuals from diverse backgrounds focussing particularly on trauma, bipolar disorder, and related comorbid issues and stress-related disorders.
In her private practice, Gillian provides clinical support to adults and offers supervision and EMDR case consultation. She is also a dedicated educator and presenter, passionately advocating for clinicians to remain engaged with research and the ongoing dialogue surrounding mental health.
In 2022, she achieved recognition as an EMDR Institute EMDR Trainer and is enthusiastic about the evidence-based application of EMDR as a comprehensive and integrative psychotherapy. She is committed to advancing EMDR research and delivering high-quality EMDR education and training. Dr Maddock holds a Bachelor of Psychology (Hons 1) and a Doctor of Clinical Psychology.
Gillian values the shared humanity inherent in psychotherapy work and strives to be approachable to both clients and colleagues.

MaryAnn Stevens
Clinical Psychologist
MaryAnn Stevens is a Clinical Psychologist and an accredited EMDR Institute Trainer based in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
MaryAnn currently works with Sexual Assault Survivors in her private Practise and has over 25 years in Adult Mental Health and for agencies with personnel in high risk roles.
MaryAnn is providing EMDR basic training and case consultation around NZ and is a lecturer for the new Otago University EMDR Training. She is looking forward to hopping over to work with the EMDR Australia trainers.

Nick Cocco
Clinical Psychologist
Nick is a Clinical Psychologist practicing since 1983 in both public and private sectors with extensive experience in adult, child and family mental health services. He is currently in full time private practice.
As an EMDR Institute Trainer accredited by EMDRAA, Nick also has expert knowledge in EMDR. Nick has trained professionals via workshops, supervision and case consultation and has presented his research at the international EMDR Conference (1995), and was the main author of the second ever child case study published in a peer reviewed journal in (1993).

Dr Tal Moore
Clinical Psychologist
Dr Tal Moore Clinical Psychologist and a certified EMDR Trainer with the international EMDR Institute. Tal founded the NZ-based EMDR Foundations, whilst also maintaining her public sector role in Te Whatu Ora. She has expertise with clients across the lifespan, with families, perinatal populations, and most recently – in the area of addictions. Tal is passionate about the growing role – and even greater potential – EMDR Therapy has within a wider trauma-informed approach to care.