Reflections on EMDR

Welcome to our blog series where we will engage in captivating conversations about the profound impact of EMDR therapy.

Healing Trauma at Its Core

Why EMDR Therapy is Essential for Restoring Balance In the world of mental health care, clinicians often witness the long-term toll of chronic stress and trauma on their clients. Perhaps…

Is EMDR just a form of Exposure Therapy?

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is often compared to exposure therapy due to their shared goal of reducing the distress associated with traumatic memories. However, while there are similarities…
Dr. Gillian Maddock

Is EMDR the same as Hypnotherapy?

In our latest post on the “Reflections on EMDR” blog, we discuss EMDR and Hypnotherapy, two distinct therapeutic approaches that offer unique methods and benefits for alleviating psychological distress. I…
Dr. Gillian Maddock

Keep the learning, not the disturbance

In our latest post on the “Reflections on EMDR” blog we explore how EMDR assists the brain in processing and integrating traumatic memories, lowering emotional distress while preserving the important…
Creek meandering between the mangroves

The River

In our latest post on the “Reflections on EMDR” blog we learn more about how EMDR works as Dr. Gillian Maddock discusses how EMDR helps to process traumatic memories using…


In this, our very first post on the “Reflections on EMDR” blog we engage with Dr. Gillian Maddock about her dedication to integrating EMDR therapy into her practice and empowering…