by EMDR Australia

In this, our very first post on the “Reflections on EMDR” blog we engage with Dr. Gillian Maddock about her dedication to integrating EMDR therapy into her practice and empowering fellow therapists through training. Explore her passion for EMDR therapy and the transformative impact it brings to both practitioners and clients alike.

Q: Why EMDR therapy and how did it become part of your practice as a psychologist?

“As a psychologist, I have always been passionate about helping my clients achieve lasting changes in their lives. Over the years, I have used various therapeutic approaches to address a wide range of mental health issues. However, I noticed that despite my efforts, some clients were not able to sustain their improvements and would often return to therapy.

I witnessed clients making significant progress in reducing disturbance in a shorter time frame, in a way that was less painful overall, and more importantly, the changes were sustained.

After much research and reflection, I came across Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. Initially, I was sceptical about its effectiveness and hesitant to undergo training in this approach. My university training did not cover EMDR. However, as I delved deeper into the theory and evidence behind EMDR, I was encouraged to do the training and try this with the clients with trauma, who were not experiencing long term change.

With some trepidation this is what I did, and I was bolstered by the improvements I saw. More than that, the relief expressed by those who were treated with EMDR. I realised that completing basic training and having ongoing case consultation would be key to being able to fluently use EMDR and, over time this is what happened.

I witnessed clients making significant progress in reducing disturbance in a shorter time frame, in a way that was less painful overall, and more importantly, the changes were sustained and, much to the relief of my clients, no homework was required! They were able to reprocess their traumatic experiences and move forward with a healthier mindset and improved emotional well-being and make changes in their lives that supported them to have a life consistent with their beliefs and values.

Q: What are the differentiating benefits of EMDR therapy?

“What struck me the most about EMDR was the capacity for EMDR to incorporate the mind-body connection and its ability to address the root cause of traumatic experiences. Unlike cognitive based therapies, EMDR recognises the importance of accessing and reprocessing all forms of information – thoughts, sensory information (e.g.: images, smells etc…), emotions and sensations that are all stored in the body after trauma.

Moreover, the results of numerous studies on EMDR were impressive. Maxfield (2019) reported that at that time, more than 44 randomized controlled trials had investigated EMDR treatment of (PTSD), early traumatic stress, and traumatized children and there were 28 randomized controlled trials which evaluated EMDR in the treatment of major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, psychosis, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, substance use disorder, and pain.

Research has shown that this therapy can effectively treat a wide range of psychological conditions, including disorder (PTSD) and a range of other conditions, we are now understanding how EMDR can be utilised trans-diagnostically.

Q: Am I eligible for EMDR training?

”EMDR in my practice became so important, that when I had the opportunity to train as and EMDR Institute Trainer I embraced it. I am passionate about offering high quality EMDR training in small groups, to optimise a learning environment to help you cultivate a solid basis of knowledge so you can start to work with EMDR confidently, knowing that our growth as a therapist is a journey.”

It is great that EMDR training can be undertaken by a range of clinical disciplines. I invite you to join us in learning EMDR. Course details and eligibility can be found on our EMDR training page.

Have more questions about EMDR?  Head over to our page of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)!

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EMDR Australia offer accredited training in the use of EMDR therapy, from foundational skills to advanced techniques.